From the dictionary, the word, ‘Balance’ has about 5 or more meanings which are all correct in varying application. In the context of this write up I want to look at balance as giving equal importance to two or more things. A situation in which different parts are in the CORRECT PROPORTION. Everyone of us…

You Can Bend It, Don’t Break It

Hello my people, its been quite a while now. Guess a few are wondering what’s been going on with me. Well, for sometime now, it was as if I had a blockage in my floetry or something like that!, there were so many things I wanted to write about,but it just seem as if there…

Middle Of Nowhere by OBA

Recently I saw a movie about 3 women; a mother and her 2 daughters, even though I didn’t get the opportunity to see the end of the movie (thanks to PHCN). It was the title that fascinated me. From what I saw from the movie, here was an elderly woman in her mid 50’s sitting…

Running For A Cause by OBA

Today, Friday 28th March, I started my early morning jogging. I have had the desire since God’s knows when. And this morning after preparing my boys for school, I felt a strong jolt inside, and got my jogging kit (at least what can still pass for a jogging kit), so I won’t have another “excuse”…