From the dictionary, the word, ‘Balance’ has about 5 or more meanings which are all correct in varying application.

In the context of this write up I want to look at balance as giving equal importance to two or more things. A situation in which different parts are in the CORRECT PROPORTION.

Everyone of us have been given different roles to play at different stages and phases of life, and most of the times we find that these roles seem to be in constant conflict and competition for their limited time and attention.

As a woman, wife and mother which are my primary roles, I find that often times these roles also compete with one another and also with other secondary roles / functions e.g. Being a musician, writer, teacher, ceo, dancer etc.

Many a times I find myself fatigue, stressed out, and out of zest, and on the other hand discouraged and unfulfilled because some other areas of my life’s mission are been neglected.

In the past we were made to believe that “success” in some areas of life means putting on a different personality. But that’s a lie, because the same person, who wakes up in the morning to make breakfast, and gets the kids to be ready is the same person who interacts with colleagues at work, make presentations, hold board meetings, et ce tera.

Whatever we are we bring to every area of our lives, and what’s true of character is to a very large extent true of competence. We can experience balance when we know that we can always go to GOD ALMIGHTY, who equipped us before TIME began to be everything He desires us to BE. He gives us grace to create synergy among these roles to become productive and exert multiplier effect on our immediate environment.

How do we access that grace? When we come to understand that the different roles we are functioning in, is not coincidence! Coming to terms with each role and embracing it, gives a kind of satisfaction and fulfillment.

As we do this, we dissipate same zest, loving every bit of the role and gradually a sense of balance begins to set in, of course this does not happen overnight! Its not enough to be a Public Success and a Private Failure, Balance means Private success and Public Success.

What we are at home must translate to what we are at work. That’s the essence of Life.
Let this mind be in you as it was in CHRIST JESUS.

OBA is musician, author and speaker.

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One thought on “BALANCE by OBA

  1. Striking the balance as a medical student, holding extra-academic executive roles and volunteering in other capacities can be really stressful. But I’ve always enjoyed every bit of it.

    Thanks for the piece.


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